Content Is King: Lending a Helping Hand in San Antonio

The day before the International Roofing Expo officially opened, attendees and exhibitors teamed up with Rebuilding Together and the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) to help out homeowners in need in San Antonio. It marked the fourth straight year that volunteers pitched in to help with renovations. The main sponsor of the event is Sika Sarnafil.
Our editorial director, Rick Damato, has participated all four years, and we’ve covered it in the IRE Show Dailies and the magazine. This is the second time I’ve covered the event, and it really is an inspiring day.
This year volunteers worked on two homes this year in San Antonio. At the Merendon home, workers replaced windows, installed security doors, and painted the exterior. Prior to the event, the roof was replaced by Fort Worth-based Benco Roofing. At the Luna home, a crew of volunteers repaired the front and back porch while others replaced the skirting on the home, repaired the eaves, and did some painting and general cleanup work.
I spoke with three other people who have participated all four years: IRE Senior Conference Manager Brandi McElhaney, Sika Sarnafil Director of Marketing Jay Thomas, and NRCA Executive Vice President William Good. McElhaney coordinated the effort for the fourth straight year. She mapped out the logistics for the day, shepherded the volunteers and still found time to help out with repairs as well. The last time I saw them, Bill Good was swinging a paint brush and Jay Thomas was putting together a play structure.
All I did was snap some photos, but take it from me, this is truly a great event. Make a point to join in the fun next year in Las Vegas.