Capstone Headwaters released its Q1 2020 Construction Services Coverage Report today, detailing the impacts of the Coronavirus and key industry updates.
Construction industry employment declined by 29,000 in March, according to an Associated Builders and Contractors analysis of data released today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nonresidential construction employment declined by 24,600 in March.
In 2020, AEC professionals will continue to see the major role technology plays in not only assisting in day-to-day tasks but also helping to promote collaboration between all project stakeholders
In order to get a broad perspective on what the future might look like, the firm recognized that there was no better resource to tap than their team of 1,300 design professionals whose expertise stretches across a wide breadth of disciplines.
Following a two month decline in demand for design services, architecture billings got a bounce in October, according to a new report released from the American Institute of Architects..
While architecture billings moderated in September, design activity shows signs of remaining sluggish at U.S. architecture firms, according to a new report released today from the American Institute of Architects.