When it came to specifying the new roofs at the former Walter Reed Medical Center site in Northwest Washington, managing stormwater collection and runoff was a high priority.
The team replaced the building’s old roof with a low-maintenance roof garden system designed to alleviate stormwater runoff, extend the life of the roof, and add aesthetic value.
Sustainability is at the forefront of people’s minds these days whether it's from growing environmental concerns, or a personal long-term commitment to the cause.
Climate change isn’t just making the planet warmer. It’s also impacting everything from weather patterns to sea levels, causing excessive rain, record-breaking storms, devastating wildfires, and everything in between.
A new dining hall in California is part of an inspiring campus center that takes advantage of contemporary technologies, materials and construction methods
The exterior expression of the architectural design is influenced by the materials and scale of the traditional masonry buildings found in nearby districts