This company-focused grant, sponsored by GED Integrated Solutions, is aimed at extending education opportunities, building engagement within FGIA, expediting integration into the industry and furthering professional growth and advancement.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that it has selected PCI, National Precast Concrete Association, and the American Concrete Pipe Association to receive a $9.95 million grant in EPA’s Reducing Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Construction Materials and Products Grant Program.
The Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation has received a significant grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for their work on a major podcast series, called New Angle: Voice.
ASTM International announced five $500 grants to university students to help with senior or graduate projects that have an ASTM International standards component
The grant will support a study titled, “Evaluation of New Nebraska Community Hospital Facilities: Nurse Perspectives and Patient Outcomes in Centralized vs. Decentralized Nursing Units.”