After two years of supporting the sales team at Siplast, Lopez will now lead the U.S. and Canadian branches to help drive customer engagement, increase specifications, and grow client relationships.
The latest ICC-ES report now encompasses the ZIP-RIB, Batten-Tite and TwinLok roof panels, further solidifying IMETCO’s position as an industry leader in building envelope solutions.
Keith Simon, VP of Design Phase Services at Salas O'Brien, and Stephen Shanks, VP of Commissioning at Salas O'Brien, joined us to discuss their upcoming webinar, "The Evolving Landscape of Commercial Energy Efficiency."
This acquisition further strengthens Holcim’s commitment to expanding its comprehensive building envelope solutions beyond roofing, providing customers with a broader range of high-performance materials for residential and commercial applications.
The Air Barrier Association of America is inviting the industry to present on various topics related to the building enclosure. A listing of potential topics can be found below as a guideline that is based on previous attendee feedback.
In order to achieve a kid-friendly, yet modern aesthetic, insulated metal panels (IMPs) were selected as the building envelope. IMPs offer excellent design flexibility.
In many cases, building envelope design is mostly a matter of aesthetics and costs. As attention to environmental issues grows, however, sustainability and energy-related concerns play an increasing role in these decisions. The push to reduce urban heat island effects is one of the most prominent of these concerns.