As communities across the nation grapple with escalating urban temperatures, some local municipalities and jurisdictions have mandated the color of roofs based on long-standing assumptions now brought into question by recent findings. The ERA research underscores that the impact of roof color on the UHI effect remains inconclusive, signaling a need for further exploration.
Opinion piece: EPDM self-adhered (SA) is a superior option for re-roof projects as it does not require welding or adhesive application expertise, helping to reduce labor requirements and removing membrane adhesive inconsistencies.
The EPDM Roofing Association is celebrating its 20th Anniversary of service to the roofing industry, building on its foundation of science-based research to expand its focus on sustainability.
The EPDM Roofing Association is recommending that Federal, state and local governments, as well as regulatory bodies, pause the development and implementation of reflective roofing and cool roofing mandates.
In a letter to the White House, the EPDM Roofing Association is indicating strong support for the Administration’s plan to immediately increase funding for FEMA mitigation initiatives.
Just in time for winter roofing, this cold-weather roofing solution from Carlisle SynTec Systems can be applied in temperatures as low as 25 degrees, is VOC-compliant, and has low odor.