Transitioning from the term "listings" to "assemblies" within all language in the platform, this change emphasizes DORA's commitment to presenting only third-party tested and approved roofing components, further enhancing clarity and precision for its users.
SPRI announced that it is revising ANSI/SPRI WD-1 “Wind Design Standard Practice for Roofing Assemblies”and plans to canvass the document for re-approval as an American National Standard.
Ricardo Barroso is responsible for managing the product development, compliance and application engineering teams, ranging from implementing testing and product development procedures to deploying products internationally.
The Roofing Alliance announces that Informa Exhibitions, Dallas, Texas, has enhanced its strategic partnership to include ongoing annual contributions and recognizes them as a Governor Level member.
Polyglass is excited to partner with Corporate Contractors Inc., to plan and execute the expansion project. CCI provided the engineering and architectural design services, as well as the construction management for Polyglass.
The SPRI Rooftop Attachment Task Force led by Daniel Blasini of Anchor Products, Stephen Childs of OMG Roofing Products, and Jodi Thomas of TRUFAST, and working with Curt L. Liscum RRC, RRO and SPRI Technical Director Mike Ennis, has prepared a white paper to provide resources and guidance for protecting the rooftop during severe weather events.