I read a lot of economic reports and construction forecasts, and some of them have less than optimistic lately, if you know what I mean.

I read a lot of economic reports and construction forecasts, and some of them have less than optimistic lately, if you know what I mean. I spoke with a contractor at a convention last month who said he quit reading news about the construction and housing markets because it was too depressing.

Well, when a colleague passed along this article about a spike in new home sales last month, I was happy to see a chance to share some good news for a change. In this article, Alan Ziebel shares his thoughts on the 27 percent jump in the sale of new homes in March and speculates on the role of government tax credits in the increase. Here is a link to the article:


Whatever the reason, it’s nice to see some good economic news. Let’s hope the economy continues to build up steam as 2010 heads into summer.