We've just wrapped up the final webinar of 2008,
“Roofing Design/Material Selection,” which totaled 526 attendees. Even more
recently, the ARW staff and I sat down to figure out the topics that will be
covered in 2009.
We've just wrapped up the final webinar of 2008, “Roofing
Design/Material Selection,” which totaled 526 attendees. Even more recently,
the ARW staff and I sat down to figure out the topics that will be covered in
2009. So be looking for a complete schedule of topics to be coming down
the wire by early November. We've got six slots to fill for 2009, so we'd
be interested in getting your feedback on what you'd like to learn about -
and earn CEU/CES credit on - in 2009.
Please post your ideas, questions and comments in this blog
- I'll be reading and responding to you all.