Pittsburgh-based SYNTHEON Inc., a building science company specializing in high-efficiency building envelope systems, is responding to the growing demand from architects and designers for eco-friendly, integrated systems that save time and energy on a wide variety of construction projects.
Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation, a nationwide provider of metal panels for the building and construction industry, has brought a fresh new look to the Town and Country Foods complex in Bozeman, Mont.
LiveRoof, LLC, a horticultural science company in the green roof industry, announced its selection of Paul D. Spirou, LEED AP, as its regional sales representative in Florida for the LiveRoof Hybrid Green Roof System.
RossTarrant, an architectural firm in Lexington, Ky., has a formula for building better, high-performance schools: Reduce overall energy use, include smarter products that provide for and protect higher energy efficiency, design in more natural lighting, and improve overall air quality.
An established green technology to waterproof, protect and repair concrete structures for a wide variety of new and existing applications – Xypex Chemical Corporation’s proprietary Concrete Waterproofing by Crystallization – has reached a significant milestone: its 40th year of use in thousands of construction projects around the world.
Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation, a provider of metal panels for the building and construction industry, has received Florida Building Code Approval for the use of its Classic Rib panels on Oriented Strand Board (OSB) sheathing.
The Metal Construction Association (MCA), an organization of manufacturers and suppliers whose metal products, will exhibit at booth 3735 at the American Institute of Architect's (AIA) National Convention and Design Exposition, May 12-14, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, La..