The Garland Company, a full-service roofing manufacturer and building envelope solution provider based in Cleveland, Ohio, announced that Kenneth Lambert is the recipient of the 2022 Garland Sponsorship.
Owens Corning highlighted its building science knowledge and expertise during the American Institute of Architects A’22 Conference on Architecture, June 23-24 in Chicago.
Steni Vision panels are made of stone composite and can be used for both exterior and interior walls in commercial, institutional and industrial building projects.
The funds will be used to accelerate the development of the Augmenta Construction Platform; launch a pilot program for the Electrical System Design module – the first of several solutions that have been built on Augmenta’s automated design platform; and grow the Augmenta team across sales, deployment, and customer support.
Modesto, Calif. manufacturing facility’s new PV panel roof now fully operational, moving the company towards its Planet Passionate goal of zero carbon emissions.