
ACMA's 2024 Composite Fly-In Achieves Unprecedented Participation

March 20, 2024

ACMA's Composites 2024 Fly-In took place from February 26th through the 28th, bringing together over 60 members from the entire composites value chain to learn, network, and advocate to Congress and the Administration on the benefits of composites in industries across the nation. This historic turnout included a large delegation from the International Cast Polymer Association, alongside senior representatives from SAMPE and IACMI. This is the second year ACMA and ICPA have collaborated on this fly-in. 

The Fly-In aimed to support efforts to include composites language in legislation funding and authorizing the activities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and to gain political support for the joint ACMA and IACMI grant application to expand our industry’s capacity to produce Environmental Product Declarations, a requirement for suppliers of federally funded infrastructure. Participants also advocated for changes to U.S. tax law to allow full research and development expensing in the corresponding year. Additionally, ACMA supported the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act (S.722/H.R. 1477) which expands 529 savings plans to include tuition for technical certifications such as ACMA’s Certified Composites Technician program. 

As part of the Fly-In event, participants attended a Sustainability Forum on February 26th to receive firsthand insights from association staff and consultants working on projects aimed at assisting composites manufacturers in preparing Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and assessing the environmental benefits of their products. 

Cindy L. Squires Esq., President and CEO of ACMA, remarked, "As a leading voice for the composites industry across North America, it's a privilege to gather our members in our nation's capital. Sharing our industry’s expertise with policymakers is instrumental in advancing our mission to position composites as the sustainable material of preference." 

Dan Neumann, Vice President of Government Relations at ACMA, reflected on the strong turnout for the Fly-In, stating, "The enthusiastic participation in this event demonstrates the broad reach of our industry across the country, and we appreciate the enthusiastic response from policymakers.  The work of these participants will expand our ability to make products in America and employ more Americans.  It demonstrates our industry's desire and capacity to address critical policy issues and make a significant impact in their communities and nationwide." 

Contact Dan Neumann with any questions surrounding the 2024 Composites Fly-In.



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