Hurricane Impact Resistant Doors Offer a Practical Solution for Coastal Buildings
February 12, 2015
YKK AP America Inc. (YKK AP)—a leading source of hurricane impact products for commercial applications—announces the addition of the 35HL/50HL impact resistant entrances to the Protek product line.
This summer, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, completed the construction of a solar power project to provide 61 percent of its energy needs to the building.
As the effects of Superstorm Sandy continue to unfold, government agencies, counties, utilities and major insurance carriers are turning to a oneof- a-kind technology to help them better assess the extent of the devastation
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, Simpson Strong-Tie announced it will make a $25,000 donation to assist in the relief response and recovery efforts throughout the East Coast.
The American Institute of Architects today issued the following statement with regard to the assessment and recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Sandy’s impact.