This self-adhering “self-stick” roofing underlayment from MFM Building Products is composed of a high-grade, reinforced polyester fabric laminated to a high temperature asphalt adhesive system.
ClarkDietrich announced the addition of its new E-Flange Control Joint to their vinyl product line. The patent-pending E-Flange features a unique raised flange design that provides 80 percent more stucco embedment than standard “flat flange” profiles.
ASTM International announced five $500 grants to university students to help with senior or graduate projects that have an ASTM International standards component
Eric J. Miller, Director - Acoustics with Intertek, was honored with the Wallace Waterfall Award from ASTM International’s committee on building and environmental acoustics.
The prestigious award, which includes the accompanying title of fellow, is ASTM’s highest recognition for individual contributions to developing standards.
This code implies that all roof materials that pass the testing provided in the ASTM E 108 fire testing under the light category are identified as Class C roof assemblies.