The journey to cleaner energy, healthier buildings and reduced emissions begins with retrofits. It’s essential to install renewable energy for businesses. However, reducing energy consumption first is more crucial because it tackles the root of the problem.
In the fight against the impacts of climate change, evolving building codes, performance standards and building practices are being utilized to improve sustainability, resiliency and efficiency—all key components in trying to meet the goals of the Paris Accord and achieve net-zero carbon by 2050.
Working together, OEMs, construction companies and telematic suppliers can scale their capabilities appropriately as the new machines eventually begin to be delivered and data volumes grow.
As important as going green for the environment is, it isn’t enough to focus on energy alone. We must not forget the impact that humans have on all aspects of nature, especially the bird species.
The Metal Construction Association has released a new white paper, “Retrofitting Existing Roofing with Metal.” The document details the benefits of installing a new metal retrofit roof system over existing conventional roofs.
Constructed in 1936, the original station featured a cramped design and lacked accessibility for those with disabilities. The project goal was to revive the train station to provide greater, easier access for all travelers through a bright and modern architectural design.
Many American schools are aging. Nearly 50% of U.S. schools date back to between 1950 and 1969. It’s not surprising that these buildings aren’t sustainable
With many commercial buildings aiming to reduce their energy footprint, retrofitting a building enclosure can deliver energy savings, as well as an improvement on the building’s appearance