SPRI announced that the U.S. Single Ply roofing industry saw a 17.2% increase in 2022 roof membrane shipments against the prior three-year average as reported by SPRI Membership.
The profile of specific components, their configuration or sequencing, can vary with the roof system, climatic differences, and regional or area practices. Dimensions as shown are recommended minimums and are intended to be approximate to allow for reasonable tolerances due to field conditions. Flashing or stripping ply should extend into scupper throat, and be fully welded
Viking Products Group, a leader in providing cutting-edge roofing solutions to distributors, contractors, and building owners, announced the addition of a new line of single-ply membranes at the International Roofing Expo in Dallas.
The SPRI Rooftop Attachment Task Force led by Daniel Blasini of Anchor Products, Stephen Childs of OMG Roofing Products, and Jodi Thomas of TRUFAST, and working with Curt L. Liscum RRC, RRO and SPRI Technical Director Mike Ennis, has prepared a white paper to provide resources and guidance for protecting the rooftop during severe weather events.
The 2024 edition of the International Building Code, will include new language that clarifies how Lightening Protection Systems (LPS) are secured to commercial roof assemblies, roof coverings, metal edge systems, and gutters.
SPRI announced that it is reviewing ANSI/SPRI VF-1 External Fire Design Standard for Vegetative Roofs and plans to update and re-canvass the document for re-affirmation as an American National Standard in the coming months.
The Single-Ply Roofing Industry announced that the U.S. Single Ply roofing industry saw a 12.2% increase in 2021 roof membrane shipments as reported by SPRI Membership.