Boral Roofing has just announced that its Cradle to Cradle Gold certified clay roof tile now may provide builders and architects with an added LEED pilot point under the U.S. Green Building Council’s Pilot Credit 43 Program which recognizes sustainable products certified by third parties.
Environmental responsibility is a primary value for the Bend Park & Recreation District, and it was a critical element in the design of the LEED Gold-certified administration building by Opsis Architecture.
The devastation caused by the Great Depression is well documented. Almost equally well documented is the New Deal that helped pull the country from that dark time.
Architect Jim Weiner, AIA, has been named to the inaugural class of LEED Fellows, a small group of the global green-building industry’s most accomplished innovators.
The Los Angeles Chapter of the nonprofit U.S. Green Building Council will launch its Sustainable Innovation Awards this year during the chapter's 7th Annual Green Gala on Thursday, November 3, 2011, from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Economic rough spots can be driving forces for change. In the 1970s, skyrocketing fuel costs forced car makers to increase mileage and builders to tighten homes and increase insulation to save energy.
Current trends applied to sustainable design and construction of roofing systems emphasize widespread practices that cover the design and construction process of sustainable building in general.
Imagine a shopping mall that doesn’t need air conditioning, even in the height of summer; a restaurant patio that can stay open year-round; or a beautiful office atrium that’s open to sunny skies with a soaring glazed roof that opens when the weather’s nice - but closes up at the first sign of rain.
Solaleya Design first introduced its Domespace house to the U.S. market in 2007. The design, utilizing a motor to rotate the entire structure relative to the sun to increase or decrease solar collection, was intended to dramatically reduce energy consumption versus traditional housing.
As the first LEED Gold certified animal shelter in the nation, the new Humane Society Silicon Valley (HSSV) Animal Community Center in Milpitas, CA proves that even our four-legged friends can enjoy the benefits of sustainability.