The 2024 IIBEC/OBEC BES will take place at the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel & Suites, Toronto, ON, Canada, September 29-October 1, 2024. Join us as a presenter at the premier event for roofing, waterproofing, exterior wall, and building enclosure commissioning professionals.
NEW THIS YEAR! BES 2024 marks a first-time partnership between IIBEC and the Ontario Building Envelope Council (OBEC). Join IIBEC and OBEC for a live, interactive experience convening the best experts in building enclosure industry. This two-day educational program offers over 15 unique, cutting-edge presentations on the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of modern and/or older building enclosures. Presenters offer relevant solutions to building-enclosure challenges through real-world examples and specific case histories. Submit your abstract for consideration. Put your skills, knowledge, and talent to work for your profession!
Abstract submission should be a concise proposal of new information that is technically sound and credible, and include the following:
- Primary issue being addressed.
- Type and basis of the new information that will be contributed to the industry (e.g., research conducted, personal experience).
- Intended primary audience concise statement describing the new information and how the information will be useful to the primary audience.
Topics for consideration include:
- Building Enclosure Commissioning
- Cladding (masonry, facades, metal, stucco, stone)
- Code issues
- Codes, standards, specification, and testing of materials and assemblies
- Construction processes, contract administration, and case studies
- Durability, resiliency, and sustainability
- Emerging technology
- Fenestration (curtain walls, glass)
- Innovative/Unique edge building enclosure design
- Moisture and thermal analyses
- Professional and business management topics
- Restoration
- Roofing
- Sealants and coatings