Recently, I joined John D’Annunzio, Building Envelope’s Editorial Director, on a trip to a nearby project. The project was a remedial roof application on the second and fourth floor roof areas of Motor City Casino in Detroit. This was my first time up on a roof—what an experience! John’s company, Paragon Roofing Technology Inc., was providing consultation on the removal and replacement of both roof areas. The existing roof materials were removed to the concrete deck and a new roofing/waterproofing application was completed in both areas.

While visiting the project, I also learned about the EFVM method of testing. Electric Field Vector Mapping is a testing method for waterproofing applications that is more reliable than standard ponding water tests. It is an electric wiring system that remains in place during the service life of the waterproofing system. This testing can be used on horizontal and vertical applications.

I also got to attend some great seminars at the 30th RCI International Convention and Trade Show this past March in San Antonio —my first trade show with Building Envelope. During the show I heard some really interesting presentations on EDPs vs. HPDs, weather-related effects on the installation of fully adhered single-ply systems, and energy-efficient and fire-resistant building enclosure details, among many other topics.

There’s still so much more for me to learn and I’m excited for every step of the way.