Simpson Strong Tie

Simpson Strong-Tie Columbus Donates $10,000 to United Way for Tornado Disaster Relief

April 22, 2024

In response to the devastating EF-3 tornado that struck Indian Lake, Ohio in March, the Simpson Strong-Tie Columbus, OH facility provided a $10,000 donation to the United Way of Logan County to aid in disaster relief and recovery.

The tornado, which wreaked havoc across Auglaize and Logan Counties, left a trail of destruction, causing significant damage to homes, businesses and infrastructure in its path. Through the United Way, victims of the tornado can apply for financial assistance for housing, auto and utilities expenses, home repair, and other living expenses. 

"Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by this devastating tornado," said Simpson Strong-Tie SVP and Columbus Branch Manager Bryan Rychlik. "We recognize the importance of coming together as a community to support one another during times of crisis. Through partnership with our local United Way chapter, we are appreciative of the opportunity to help individuals and families as they work to recover."

The donation also supports immediate needs such as food, clothing, personal needs items, baby supplies and more. United Way of Logan County has set a number of distribution points for people to access these resources. Additionally, the funds will contribute to long-term recovery initiatives aimed at rebuilding communities and restoring hope to those affected by the disaster.

This contribution reflects the company’s ongoing commitment to aid in disaster relief and recovery efforts around the world. To donate to United Way of Logan County, go to uwlogan.org.