Building Enclosure Editor Lindsay Lewis discusses SPRI with Chadwick Collins

VIDEO: The Latest with SPRI

April 11, 2024

Chadwick Collins, Technical Director for SPRI, joins us to chat about all the latest on goings at SPRI. 

Watch to hear about SPRI's plans to revise ANSI/SPRI RD-1; and the white papers they recently published. 

The standard, ANSI/SPRI RD-1 “Performance Standard for Retrofit Drains,” is planned to be canvassed for re-approval as an American National Standard. 

Of the white papers, one focuses on lighting protection systems, the other on construction-generated moisture and its effect on roof systems.

To control construction-generated moisture, roof design professionals must identify the sources of moisture and develop a remediation plan to implement during the design process. To reduce the probability of condensation, buildings under construction must be adequately ventilated, particularly during concrete hydration and other high moisture-related construction activities. You can read more about this white paper here.

Chadwick also discusses what else is going on at SPRI that we should know about and what to expect from the association in the coming year.