
ICRI Elects New Officers and Board Members

February 5, 2024

The International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) announced the election by the membership of new officers and board members for the calendar year 2024 with Brian MacNeil, from Mac & Mac Hydrodemolition as its President. To support MacNeil, the ICRI membership also elected the following officers:

  • President-Elect – Gerard Moulzolf, American Engineering Testing, Inc.
  • Vice President – David Karins, Karins Engineering Group, Inc. 
  • Treasurer – Natalie Faber, Aquafin, Inc.
  • Secretary – Dan Wald, Beacon/Coastal


“It is hard to put into words how excited I am to serve as ICRI President for 2024. The members of this organization are incredible to work with and it always blows me away with how dedicated they are to making the concrete repair and restoration industry better from many angles,” said MacNeil. “The ICRI staff are second to none and we are going to see some amazing advancements with ICRI this year and for years to come. Our group is amazing. Anyone who likes amazing, dedicated people who support each other should come join us.”

Pierre Hebert, Sika Canada, who served as 2023 President, will continue his service on the board as Immediate Past-President.

Their terms began on January 1, 2024, for a one-year period.

Matt Sherman, with Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc., will continue to serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee in his role as the Chair of the Technical Activities Committee (TAC).

In addition to the president and officers, the membership voted in the following new members who began serving three-year terms on January 1, 2024, ending on December 31, 2026:

  • Thomas Buffington, Karins Engineering Group, Inc. (Region 1)
  • David Grandbois, Western Specialty Contractors (At-Large)
  • Zelina Johnson, Klein and Hoffman, Inc. (At-Large)
  • Erin Sidhu, Summit Sealants, Inc. (Region 7)
  • Alex Somohano, Waterproofing & Building Solutions, LLC (Region 4)


The returning board members whose terms were not up for re-election include:

Terms Ending in 2024:

  • Rich Barrett, LymTal International, Inc. (Region 3)
  • Brad Rogers, Buckeye Construction & Restoration (Region 6)
  • Kandace Thompson, Western Specialty Contractors of America (At Large)
  • Lisa Viker, NoCo, No Corrosion (Region 9)


Terms Ending in 2025:

  • Ed Kluckowski, Freyssinet, Inc. (At Large)
  • Sarah Thaxton, Southern Paint & Waterproofing Company, Inc. (At Large)
  • Jonathan Woo, Read Jones Christoffersen (Region 8)
  • Dr. Bryan Wood, University of Alabama (Region 2)