
Architectural Louver Protects Against Wind-driven Rain

The AMCA-certified BLD723

March 22, 2022

The new BLD723 from Ruskin® is a bold line, drainable louver designed with a 7-inch wind-driven rain accent blade and a 5-inch deep wind-driven rain resistant blade for superior protection and architectural appeal. AMCA-certified for air, water and wind-driven rain performance, the BLD723 is ideal for architects who want to make a statement without sacrificing function.  

“While a louver’s blade style determines its performance and purpose, it is also an aesthetic element that can add interest and personality to the building the louver protects,” said Joe Rockhold, louver product manager at Ruskin. “The BLD723 was designed to enhance the facade of commercial buildings, with an accent blade that can be customized to give office and university buildings a branded or distinctive look.”  

With 46% free area, the BLD723 has closely-spaced horizontal blades that keep wind-driven rain out, preventing damage and reducing operating expenses. In sizes ranging from 8 inches by 8 inches to 120 inches by 90 inches, the louver can be produced with visible mullions or hidden if a continuous blade architectural look is preferred. Its aluminum construction resists corrosion and is easy to maintain.   

Ruskin offers the BLD723 with a full suite of manufactured options that suit a variety of projects, including a variety of bird screens, extended sill and front flange. Optional finishes are available. The louver also comes with an industry-leading 20-year finish warranty and 5-year product warranty.  

To learn more about the BLD723, visit www.ruskin.com/model/bld723. For more information about Ruskin, visit www.ruskin.com