Metal-Era, Hickman Edge Systems Introduce Ground-Breaking Roofing Technology: The Falcon Roof Measurement Tool
Metal-Era and Hickman Edge Systems announce the release of the latest in roofing technology, The Falcon Roof Measurement Tool.
The Falcon Roof Measurement Tool revolutionizes the accurate measurement of the roof edge. Utilizing innovative, spatially locating technology unavailable anywhere else in the world, The Falcon is designed to expedite the entire process of measuring the perimeter, quoting, delivery, and installation.
“The Falcon Roof Measurement Tool will change the industry’s approach to the roof perimeter,” says Tony Mallinger, CEO of MTL Holdings. “We’re excited to get The Falcon on the roof beginning April 1st and expand it heavily this summer through our Reginal Technical Services program offering on-site field measurement for customers who utilize our products. This will have an immediate impact on labor and cost savings at a time when contractors and owners need it most. In terms of technology and innovation, this is only the beginning. The impact of being able to spatially locate and map the roof to this level of accuracy with this speed will expand beyond the perimeter and positively change the industry.”
The Falcon today features a hybrid clamping device that measures all parapet surfaces to within thousandths of an inch and tenths of a degree, providing the most accurate measurement available in an area where roof conditions require accuracy for fabrication. Radius, miters, transitions, end walls, and other unique and difficult details become simple to measure, and a road map of the roof is rendered in real-time to the app. The output reads much like a shop drawing with bill of materials. The drawing can be color-coded and labeled to match product shipment, drastically reducing installation time and error.
Photos and images of details can be captured and output for quoting and fabrication.
The Falcon will be available to take flight on your roof this summer through Metal-Era and Hickman Edge Systems’ Regional Technical Services team. To learn more and schedule The Falcon to fly your roof, visit www.metalera.com/falcon and www.hickmanedgesystems.com/falcon.