
American Concrete Institute Adopts New Position Statement

February 14, 2022

The American Concrete Institute has recently approved a new position statement on the topic of civil/architectural/structural engineering curricula. The Institute now has a total of thirteen position statements on various topics supporting policy positions along with state, federal, and international programs, rules, and regulations.

The new position statements includes:

Civil/Architectural/Structural Engineering Curricula: Encourage colleges and universities with civil, architectural, or structural engineering curricula to retain or include material and structural courses on design and code compliance in accordance with recognized consensus-based standards developed by accredited standards development organizations.

The Institute’s position statements are focused on advocacy efforts related to code development and adoption; and future statements may focus on other ACI programs, services, and activities. The process of creating ACI position statements was created by the ACI Board to better allow ACI to actively engage in advocating for ACI code adoption. 

Learn more and view all position statements at concrete.org/positions.




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