
SPRI Election and Honors at Annual Meeting

January 25, 2022

SPRI, the trade association representing sheet membrane and component suppliers to the commercial roofing industry, has selected Brad Van Dam as President for the 2022-2024 term. SPRI’s members elected Van Dam at the association’s 40th Annual Conference and Business Meeting, held Jan. 15-17 in Cape Coral, FL. 

Van Dam currently serves Vice President of Sales at Metal-Era, Inc. in Waukesha, WI.

"Surrounded by many amazing industry professionals for the last 10 years participating in this organization, I am humbled and excited to serve SPRI’s efforts and continued contributions to the industry in this role.”  says Van Dam.

During the meeting, SPRI’s membership also elected the following slate of officers and directors for the association’s 2022-2023 membership years:

President & Assoc. Director           Brad Van Dam, Metal-Era, Inc. 

President-elect                                Scott Carpenter, SFS Intec.
Treasurer                                          Adam Burzynski, Carlisle Construction Materials


Associate Directors

David Hawn, Dedicated Roof & Hydro-Solutions

Chris Mader, Blue Ridge Fiber Board

Jodi Thomas, TruFast


SPRI honors volunteers

Each year, SPRI honors those volunteers who have gone above-and-beyond in devoting their time and talents to the association. Nominations for these honorees are solicited from the membership, and the Member Services Chair and the President of SPRI make the selections.

The 2022 recipients were the staff at Metal-Era, Inc. including Paul Linton, Karan Patel and Erin Inhoff. Metal-Era was instrumental in the implementation of an updated wind design calculator to the SPRI website, spri.org. The calculator is a significant tool used by consultants, designers and architects when designing a roof.

For more information about SPRI and its activities, visit SPRI’s Web site at www.spri.org or contact the association at info@spri.org.