Roofing Alliance

Roofing Alliance Announces 2021-2022 Melvin Kruger Endowed Scholarship Recipients

August 26, 2021

The Roofing Alliance, celebrating 25 years as the foundation of the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), proudly announces the 2021-22 Melvin Kruger Endowed Scholarship recipients.
 For over 30 years, the Roofing Alliance has invested time and funds to help educate the roofing industry and the industry’s youth.  This has been made possible through the Melvin Kruger Endowed Scholarship Program, which was named for Melvin Kruger, a former president of NRCA, a former president of the Roofing Alliance and CEO of L.E. Schwartz & Son Inc., Macon, Ga.  
 The Roofing Alliance approved seven new Roofing Alliance Melvin Kruger Endowed Scholarship Recipients:

  • Ben Baxter, son of Paul S. Baxter, National Operations Director, Tecta America, Granbury, Texas
  • Zackary Cekalla, son of Mark Cekalla, Market Manager, Beacon Roofing Products, St. Cloud, Minn.
  • Travis Cox, son of Tammy McCullough, Accountant, Centimark, Canonsburg, Pa.
  • Max Metzger, son of Donald Metzger, Sales, Tremco Inc., Roseville, Calif.
  • Finnegan O’Connor, son of Patrick O’Connor, Regional Sales Manager, OMG Inc., Agawam, Mass.
  • Cole Snavely, son of Susan Snavely, Payroll Clerk, GSM Roofing, Ephrata, Pa.
  • Michael Waldron, son of David Waldron, Technical Sales Support, Soprema, Newark, N.J.

In addition, the Roofing Alliance approved six renewals:

  • Jacob James, attending Dakota County Technical College, Rosemount, Minn.
  • Elaina Krumholz - attending the University of Minnesota; Twin Cities, Minneapolis, Minn.
  • Morgan Patterson - attending DePaul University, Chicago, Ill.
  • John Paynter - attending East Carolina University, Greenville, S.C.
  • Calvin Raymore - attending the University of Delaware, Newark, Del.
  • Cameron Tickerhoff - attending Penn State University, University Park, Pa.
“A total of $30,000 was awarded for scholarship renewals with $35,000 awarded for new scholarships,” stated Bennett Judson, Roofing Alliance executive director.  “A total of $65,000 was awarded for the 2021-22 school year. Roofing Alliance leadership is very proud to be able to support the roofing industry with these scholarships.  To date a total of 139 students have received $960,000 in scholarship awards.”
Details for the 2022-23 Melvin Kruger Endowed Scholarship program and the application guidelines will be available late September. For more information on the Melvin Kruger Endowed Scholarship Program plus information about the Roofing Alliance contact Bennett Judson, the Roofing Alliance’s executive director, at bjudson@roofingalliance.net or visit www.roofingalliance.net.