
Polyglass Announces Release of Tech Tips Informational Videos

August 18, 2021

Polyglass U.S.A., Inc., a leading manufacturer of roofing and waterproofing systems, put together a series of Tech Tip videos. These five Polyglass Tech-Tip videos demonstrate how to properly install or repair details on low-slope roofs. In each video a Polyglass technical services expert walks through step-by-step demonstrations on Polyglass recommended installation and repair tips on Polyglass ADESO® self-adhered base and cap sheets, flashing compounds, and adhesives.

Tech Tip: Proper Scupper Flashing Detail

In this step-by-step video, Polyglass technical expert Tim Leithead walks you through how to properly flash a scupper using Polyglass Elastoflex SA V and Polyflex® SA P self-adhered membranes.

Proper Scupper Flashing Detail Video


Tech Tip: How To Properly Reinforce Scupper

In this step-by-step video, Polyglass technical expert Tim Leithead demonstrates how to properly repair and reinforce a scupper utilizing PolyFlash® 1C one-part flashing compound and reinforcing fabric.

Reinforce Scupper Video


Tech Tip: Demonstrating Puncture Repair on Self-Adhered Cap Sheet

In this step-by-step video, Polyglass technical expert Henry Rives goes over how to properly patch a hole or damage in Polyflex SA P self-adhered granulated cap sheet using two recommended methods. The first method uses adhesives, either PG 500 or PolyPlus 50. The second method uses heat to activate the self-adhered compound to adhere to the damaged cap sheet.

Puncture Repair on SA Video


Tech Tip: Installing Pipe Flashing Detail

In this step-by-step video, Polyglass technical expert Henry Rives the focus of this video is how to properly install a field wrap on a penetration using a Polyflex SA P self-adhered granulated cap sheet. The over granular condition created while installing or repairing this detail needs to be bonded, it is recommended to use PG500 or PolyPlus 50 or a hot air welder.

Pipe Flashing Detail Video


Tech Tip: Properly Staggering Plies

In this step-by-step video, Polyglass technical expert Tim Leithead walks you through the importance of properly staggering base sheets in a multi ply system. This demonstration focuses on a 3-ply system. All of Polyglass’ premium base sheets have pre-printed lay lines for ease of installation.

Staggering Plies Video


Check out the Polyglass YouTube Channel POLYflix™ for more Tech Tips, product videos, project profiles and more!