The American Institute of Architects
Image courtesy of The American Institute of Architects.

AIA Announces Small Project Award Recipients

June 24, 2021

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) is recognizing exceptional designs with its 2021 Small Project Awards. Complete details for each of the awarded projects can be reviewed on AIA’s website.  

Now in its 18th year, the AIA Small Project Awards program—established by the Small Project Design (SPD) Knowledge Community—recognizes small-project practitioners for the high quality of their work. The program also aims to raise awareness about the value and design excellence that architects can bring to projects, no matter their size or scope. Award recipients are categorized in three groups:

  • Category 1 - Small project construction, an architectural object, work of environmental art or an architectural design element that costs up to $150,000 in construction.
  • Category 2 - Small project construction that could cost up to $1,500,000 in construction.
  • Category 3 - Small project construction, an architectural object, work of environmental art or an architectural design that is under 5,000 square feet.

The following are recipients of this year’s Small Project Awards by category:


Category 1:

Category 2:

Category 3:


Visit AIA’s website for more information on the Small Project Awards program.