
ATAS Products Now Listed in MasterSpec

June 23, 2021

ATAS International’s products can now be found in MasterSpec, in addition to BSD SpecLink.  MasterSpec is a comprehensive library of specifications that covers over 1700 sections in full-length, short form, and outline formats. MasterSpec specifications are customizable and include qualitative product overviews, editing instructions, reference standards, manufacturer and product comparisons, drawing coordination and specification checklists.  This tool allows specifiers and architects to create specs more quickly and customize their specs by deleting portions that don’t apply to their project.

The specification sections in which ATAS products appear in MasterSpec are:

  • 074113.16 – Standing Seam Metal Roof Panels (several profiles from which to choose)
  • 074213.13 – Formed Metal Wall Panels (many profiles of concealed and exposed fastener panels)
  • 077100 – Roof Specialties (includes copings, fascias, gravel stops, and roof edge drainage systems)


MasterSpec has been in existence since 1969 and has over 12,000 users.  It is endorsed by the AIA, ACEC, ASID, ASLA, CASE, IIDA, NLA (ANLA), and NSPE. MasterSpec is used by many of the top architectural and engineering firms.

Jim Bush, ATAS’ Vice President of Sales and Marketing, stated, “ATAS is pleased to offer yet another tool to those who create specifications, by adding our products to MasterSpec.  That, along with our participation in BSD SpecLink for many years, should enable the inclusion of ATAS products into specifications that much easier.  As well, we are currently in the process of rebuilding our own spec writer program on the ATAS website, for anyone to use at any time. That will be especially helpful if someone does not subscribe to the MasterSpec or BSD SpecLink services.  As always, members of our sales team continue to be available to provide specification assistance for any of our products, by email, phone, virtual meeting, or an in-person visit.”

Link to ATAS MasterSpec Page: https://productmasterspec.com/Profile/ATAS_International_Inc/50340

MasterSpec information sources:  http://www.productmasterspec.com/what_is_product_masterspec.aspx




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