PCI Names New Executive Director for Georgia/Carolinas
The Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute of Georgia/Carolinas has named Ray Clark as its new Executive Director. Clark most recently had been president of U.S. Formliner since 2012.
In all, he has 22 years of experience in the precast concrete industry. In addition to his business leadership roles, he has served as an associate director on the Georgia/Carolinas PCI Board of Directors and was chair of its Education Committee. He has also served on the Board of Directors of the PCI Foundation, as well as the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA), and Canadian Precast Concrete Institute (CPCI).
“I am confident my professional business experience, coupled with my substantial association leadership, both past and present, will make a great fit for this role and provide the continued advancement for the association,” said Clark. “What I have done well throughout my career is also what I will do well as the Executive Director – unite like-minded professionals behind goals, strategies, and action to promote and enhance the precast concrete industry in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.”
The current regional Executive Director and CEO, Peter Finsen, FPCI, Assoc. AIA, stepped down as Executive Director on January 1 and continues as CEO until his retirement on March 7. This will provide onboarding and assist in a smooth transition of administrative service and technical, educational, and marketing promotion. Clark noted Finsen’s “20 years of dedicated service to Georgia/Carolinas PCI has built a strong foundation on which I look forward to continuing to maintain and build upon further. I believe we have a dedicated membership that is willing to tackle the strategic plan that you, the Executive Committee and the Board worked diligently to develop.”
Read the complete press release here.