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Sto Corp. Launches StoConnect, The Online Access Point for All Sto Tools and Requests

June 22, 2020

Sto Corp., the innovative world leader in full system facades, prefabrication, air barriers, coatings, and restoration solutions, has announced the launch of StoConnect, which allows contractors and applicators to access Sto tools and input requests. The new site has been streamlined to create a better user experience and includes new features to better accommodate contractors.

“The new StoConnect site was really designed with contractors in mind,” said Keri Tolar, Digital Manager, Sto Corp., “The user experience is fantastic. It’s faster, easier and it has more options. It’s really the one-stop online shop for everything Sto.”

The new website allows any visitor to instantly and easily create a login and immediately begin navigating the site to take advantage of its features. Once logged in, the process remains easy and streamlined. It is simple to create an eSubmittal in the redesigned Sto eSubmittal feature. Users can add default products for a Sto wall system with a single click or easily customize the system to match the products called for in the project specification. Existing eSubmittals may be copied or edited. And multiple eSubmittals may be created for a single project. To see the login page, visit https://www.stocorp.com/sto-connect-login/.

“StoConnect will simplify the upfront stages of a project so contractors can do what they do best – build,” concluded Tolar.