Driwall rainscreen

Driwall Rainscreens

June 15, 2020

Driwall Rainscreen products provide a drainage mat for exterior wall systems. The entangled net product eliminates incidental moisture problems in most exterior veneer applications, including stucco, manufactured stone, and plank siding.


  • Stucco
  • Thin stone or brick
  • Manufactured stone
  • Stone and Brick Masonry
  • Lap siding
  • Siding applications

Features and Benefits:

  • Driwall Rainscreen Products pass multiple wall assemblies that require NFPA 285
  • Drainage of excess moisture and ventilation in one product
  • Lightweight and easy to handle
  • Simple installation with mechanical staple hammer
  • Polymer core is resistant to most known corrosive chemicals, including solvents
  • Wide rolls for fewer seams
  • Core absorbs and releases no moisture
  • Provides no source for the promotion of mold, mildew or bacteria