
AAMA Webinar to Provide Update from Texas Department of Insurance

October 28, 2019

The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) will host a webinar on Nov. 12 offering an update on the Texas Department of Insurance's (TDI) Windstorm Program requirements for fenestration products. Leading the webinar is Dr. Paul Bove, who gave a presentation on this topic during the AAMA Fall Conference earlier this month. Register now for this complimentary session, open to all interested parties.

This webinar will tell manufacturers what need to know when operating in 14 Texas counties in a designated catastrophe area along the Gulf Coast.

The TDI adopts building specifications; certifies to the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) that structures are insurable against windstorm and hail losses; provides inspection services and processes windstorm forms. TDI also evaluates building products for compliance with adopted building specifications.

Bove will provide an overview of the windstorm program, as well as relevant building code requirements, requirements for fenestration products, relevant products' submittal requirements, the product evaluation process and common issues associated with submittals and evaluation.

"The windstorm program here is unique," Bove said during his presentation about the TWIA and the TDI. "It's voluntary, but it exists because there was a necessity to have insurance coverage for those who wanted to buy a home or operate a commercial space here in Texas."

TWIA is an "Insurer of Last Resort" as the state's wind and hail insurance catastrophe pool. It provides windstorm and hail insurance for structures located in designated catastrophe areas along the Texas Gulf Coast.

More information about AAMA and its activities can be found on the AAMA website, https://aamanet.org.