DEWALT Receives an ICC-ES Evaluation Service Report
The ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) issued DEWALT a new supplement to Evaluation Service Report 2024 (ESR-2024) for Power-Driven Fasteners, Ceiling Clip Assemblies and Sill Plate Anchorages. This supplement offers evidence of compliance to the amended provisions in the California Building Code (CBC) for occupancies under the Division of the State Architect (DSA) and California’s Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) agencies, such as for new school and hospital construction.
The CBC and California Residential Code (CRC) are codes included in the California Code of Regulations, Title 24, to which all occupancies within the state are subject.
“This supplement is an added benefit because the power-actuated fastening products covered by our ESR now demonstrate compliance with requirements under the California Code of Regulations, Title 24,” said Mark Ziegler, Technical Director for Anchoring and Fastening Systems at DEWALT. “This allows us to quickly and effectively respond to customers and users in the California market with confidence that our products will be readily accepted by the regulatory authorities in that agency.”
“I am very proud to be a part of the development of this new program that further enhances our supplement offerings in California. The products evaluated to the California codes will benefit users and plan reviewers with projects under the DSA and OSHPD agencies,” said Vincent Chui, S.E., ICC-ES Assistant Regional Engineering Director.
“As a DSA plan reviewer, the CBC supplements to ESRs, which now include evaluations specific to the Chapter A portions of the CBC, are extremely useful for our agency,” said Frank K. Li, S.E., Senior Structural Engineer of DSA. In addition, Lin Han, S.E., Structural Associate for engineering firm KPFF, commented, “I am really glad to see that the ICC-ES ESRs continue to improve and now include evaluation to the DSA/OSHPD requirements.”
To learn more about ICC-ES evaluation service reports, visit https://icc-es.org/evaluation-report-program/.