
CetraRuddy on Innovative Housing at AIA

May 6, 2019

For new ideas on multifamily design innovation and ideas for denser, more vibrant and livable suburbs, join CetraRuddy’s leading architects at the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Conference on Architecture in Las Vegas in June.

In a talk on June 8, “Staten Island's Master Planning for Transit & Housing Growth," CetraRuddy’s Eugene Flotteron, AIA, and John Cetra, FAIA, will join Swiss transportation consultant Arnd Bätzner to discuss how large-scale planning in the suburbs can enhance the character of the places while also solving transportation and economic challenges.

The speakers will also unveil new ideas including mixed-use hubs at transportation nodes and new aerial transportation concept linking New York City boroughs.

In addition, on June 6, Cetra will reprise his sellout presentation on innovations in housing in “Trends in Urban Living: New Approaches for Dense Multifamily Design,” with copresenters Signe Nielsen of Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects and developer Ric Guenther of Patrinely Group.

The panel will discuss affordability, livability and project viability, says Cetra, designer of such high-profile, award-winning projects as One Madison, 443 Greenwich, Walker Tower, and Patrinely’s much-touted 535W43, all in Manhattan.