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METALCON Announces Its 2017 Conference Program

June 22, 2017

For nearly 30 years, METALCON has maintained its reputation of providing the newest ideas and products for the metal construction industry.  This year’s conference sessions continues this trend with a select mix of topics about market and workforce development, field techniques and the role of technology in the industry.
“Thinking back on what we’ve offered since the first METALCON, our core has always been the latest in field techniques and market opportunities, but the details have evolved, says METALCON Show Director, Claire Kilcoyne.  “Much of that is because of technology.  It began with improving manufacturing and now a change in typical field processes.  It’s exciting to be part of this evolution, which makes metal products even better and offers more opportunity for our exhibitors and attendees.”
METALCON is the metal construction industry’s largest international event for metal construction products, technologies and solutions returning to the Las Vegas Convention Center for the fifth time, from Oct. 18-20, 2017.  Designers, builders, developers, contractors, fabricators and suppliers from more than 50 countries attend this event each year.  Industry experts from 275 leading companies exhibit the latest products and share their knowledge with attendees.  Conference sessions are presented by specialists in metal construction and related business practices.
This year features renowned experts in metal roofing such as Rob Haddock, president of the Metal Roof Advisory Group. In “The Roof: The Greatest Asset (or pain-in-the asset) to the Building,” Haddock thwarts myths about metal roofs and demonstrates how to communicate metal’s primary benefits to clients.  Chuck Howard, president of Metal Roof Consultants Inc., offers reinforcements on what to do now and in the future to continue growing the metal roofing market in “Why a Metal Roof?, A 44-Year Perspective.”  This long-time METALCON presenter and roof consultant shares his expertise in the industrial, commercial, governmental and educational markets, offering insight into ongoing opportunities in metal roofing.

More selling and installing tips are offered by experts from the Metal Construction Association’s IMP council in “Best Practices for Installing and Bidding on Insulated Metal Panels.”  This session covers installation techniques, and how to quote and profit from a project by understanding all aspects of IMPs, from the basics to the most complex design concepts and installation.               

The residential metal roofing market is covered by Frank Farmer of American Metal Roofs, in “Growing Your Residential Metal Roofing Company” and “Increase Your Metal Roof Company’s Profitability.”  Frank demonstrates proven methods for increasing sales by hiring the right people and increasing profit by creating greater value for customers.
The latest research from the Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA) is revealed in “Comparison of Metal and Non-Metal Retrofit Systems.”  In this session, Lee Shoemaker and Vince Sagan, both of MBMA, discuss best practices identified through this research to help avoid common mistakes and improve results with various metal retrofit projects.
In the “Top 10 Things That Get Metal Roof Designers in Trouble,” Brian Gardiner of BMG Enterprises LLC, and Charlie Smith of McElroy Metal, review the most common mistakes made in designing and specifying a metal roof system and proper steps to avoid them. More helpful tips on metal roof installation techniques are brought to light in “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Mechanically Seamed Roof Panels,” presented by Jonathan Rider of D.I. Roof Seamers.

“Folder Operator Safety Certification—the Dos and Don’ts of Folding and Forming Machinery Operation” is a new certification program for those interested in becoming certified folder operators.  Presenters Larry Chandonnet and Chandler Barden of CIDAN Machinery, in addition to Brett Barber and Matt Werner of The Bradbury Co. Inc., use classroom style and hands-on instruction in the exhibit hall with equipment from both companies to cover safety details and processes.

The integral role of technology in the metal industry is demonstrated in several sessions.  In “Industry 4.0—the fourth Industrial Revolution and the Digitalization of the Metal Component Manufacturer,” Markus Tschanter of MicroSea System Solutions, discusses how technology is moving manufacturers to the next level and how the expanding use of software systems in nearly every aspect of production will continue to raise the bar in production and product performance.
Drones, one of the most exciting technologies to enter construction, are the focus of Joshua Barnett of Drone Dispatch.  In “Where Drones Meet Metal in the Roofing Industry,” he helps participants understand the right way to use drones to reduce risk, and to save time and resources.                                                     

The future of automation and how to benefit from it is covered in “Software Solutions—Automation in the Metal Industry,” where Greg Andrews of ABIS Inc., guides participants through the evaluation of automated systems and how to address staff concerns about adding technology to business processes.

More concepts about the value of communication with team members regarding advancements in the industry are presented in other sessions.  In “Lead with SPICE, 5 Bold Steps for Communication That Changes Your Team,” Todd Miller of Isaiah Industries Inc., uses a mix of audience participation and industry examples to demonstrate simple ways to improve a team’s attitude and performance.

On a more personal level, Belinda Gates of Compass Enterprises LLC, explains how to improve the way individuals present themselves and how to work smarter for greater success in “How to Boost Your Value to Achieve the Career You Desire.”
Two captivating sessions cover overall employment issues facing many companies in our industry and construction as a whole.  Attorney John Cruickshank explores current labor and employment policies, immigration proposals, minimum wage and other issues in “Labor and Employment Outlook for the Metal Construction Industry.”  Another timely session led by attorney Trenton Cotney analyzes “The Legalization of Marijuana and its Impact on the Construction Industry.”  As laws change regarding marijuana use, employers need to look at how that affects business and employee relations.  In this session, participants will get answers to all of their questions about the use of marijuana and how to address issues surrounding it.
All sessions are presented on the mornings of, Oct. 18 and 19, prior to the opening of the METALCON exhibit hall at the Las Vegas Convention Center.  Registration for this year’s conference program is now open online at www.metalcon.com.