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MIA+BSI Design Awards Call for Entries

April 19, 2017

MIA+BSI: The Natural Stone Institute announced that the submission periods for both the 2017 Pinnacle Awards and the 2018 Tucker Design Awards are now open.

The Pinnacle Awards recognize natural stone industry companies whose works exemplify professional mastery in the use of natural stone. Awards are given in six categories:
•    Commercial Interior (sponsored by Mapei)
•    Commercial Exterior (sponsored by Mapei)
•    Residential Interior/Exterior (sponsored by GranQuartz)
•    Renovation/Restoration (sponsored by Coldspring)
•    Kitchen of the Year (sponsored by Vitoria Stone Fair/Marmomac Latin America)
•    Bath of the Year (sponsored by Vitoria Stone Fair/Marmomac Latin America)

A Grande Pinnacle Award (sponsored by Marmomac) will be presented to the best overall project. The 2017 Pinnacle Awards are open to MIA+BSI members only and will presented at TISE 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The Tucker Design Awards recognize design professionals whose projects achieve excellence in the use of natural stone in design and construction. No project categories are required. The Tucker Design Awards are open to any design professional or natural stone industry member on behalf of the design team. The 2018 Tucker Design Awards will be presented in February 2018 in San Antonio, Texas.

To access entry forms and submission guidelines for the 2017 Pinnacle Awards, 2018 Tucker Design Awards, or to learn more about the MIA+BSI Awards Program, visit www.naturalstoneinstitute.org/awards.