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Structa Wire is Now Included in SpecLink-E

March 23, 2017

Structa Wire Corp., is a leader in developing innovative solutions for stucco reinforcing. The industry’s specifications provider BSD SpecLink-E, will promote Structa Wire  products to architects, engineers, and project managers. The partnership will enable Structa Wire to deliver reliable information about Structa products to specifiers at the moment they need it.

SpecLink-E enables designers to accelerate their specification writing with accuracy and integrity, while learning about solutions from companies like Structa Wire Corp. during the spec-writing process.

Structa is  pleased to partner with BSD Spec Link-E to provide accurate and up to date product data to designers ensuring that the latest products can be included with ease in the specification process.

BSD SpecLink-E sections for Structa Wire Corp.

  • 092236 Lath; Manufacturers – Metal Lath