Construction Climate

Construction Climate Talks Episode 7

October 28, 2016

The first six episodes in the Construction Climate Talks series have looked at sustainable development in the construction industry and the concept of green buildings. In the seventh film, Paul Toyne, an expert on sustainable construction and a London Sustainable Development Commissioner, talks about how to not only minimize the environmental impacts but also to put something back.
See the episode on link: https://youtu.be/h9c9Uxc3sgY

Since November 2015, the web TV series Construction Climate Talks has aired six episodes. Among others, one of the most notable advocates of sustainable development, Professor Johan Rockström, (https://youtu.be/cc6WCqUwhDw) has participated. The seventh instalment of Construction Climate Talks sees Paul Toyne, a respected sustainable construction expert and London Sustainable Development Commissioner. With a diverse background of academic research in environmental science, the not for profit sector and advising developers and construction companies, he addresses the importance of restoring eco system services, going further than minimizing environmental impacts.

“When I look at construction and the goal of sustainability, I look at how do we maximize social benefits and minimize the environmental impacts in the construction process. And when I say minimize, actually we need to be thinking about restoring eco system services. It’s not doing less bad, but actually it’s putting something back,” says Paul Toyne.

Initiator of the web TV series is the Construction Climate Challenge Initiative, hosted by Volvo CE. “We want to promote sustainability throughout the entire construction industry,“ says Niklas Nillroth, Vice President, Environment & Sustainability at Volvo Construction Equipment. “We are hopeful that our film series will work as a contributing factor in the matter of making people aware and to enhance cross-sector collaboration throughout the construction industry value chain“.

The film is released on www.constructionclimatechallenge.com.