climate talks 5

Construction Climate Talks Episode 5

June 16, 2016

The first four episodes in the Construction Climate Talks series have looked at issues such as sustainable development in the construction industry and the concept of green buildings. In the fifth film, released today, Carina Borgström-Hansson, Expert on Ecological Footprint, WWF, talks about how to reduce the carbon footprint while urbanization increases. 

See the episode on link: https://youtu.be/YXtz1ezm2-k

Since November 2015, the web TV series Construction Climate Talks has aired four episodes. The first episode featured one of the most notable advocates of sustainable development, Professor Johan Rockström, (https://youtu.be/cc6WCqUwhDw). He was followed by key figures Josefina Lindblom (https://youtu.be/sy9Di33ThP0), Policy Advisor at the European Commission, James Drinkwater (https://youtu.be/3krWsyM_k7o), European Regional Director for the World Green Building Council, and Martin Weissburg (https://youtu.be/HCaiJNZqbpM), President of Volvo Construction Equipment.

The fifth instalment of Construction Climate Talks sees Carina Borgström-Hansson, Expert on Ecological Footprint at WWF, addresses the challenges that come with urbanization and what has to be done to reduce CO2 emissions. In her work she focuses on how sustainable urban development could improve lives of billions while simultaneously reducing our carbon footprint on the planet.

“People living in cities currently account for more than 70 percent of the global carbon emissions, but it does not have to be that way. The problem today with urbanization is that we are not really tapping the potential of building cities that radically reduce our carbon footprint while also improving wellbeing. All the new urban areas need to be constructed with the best available technology and using best practice urban planning,” says Carina Borgström-Hansson.

Initiator of the web TV series is the Construction Climate Challenge Initiative, hosted by Volvo Construction Equipment. “We want to promote sustainability throughout the entire construction industry,“ says Niklas Nillroth, Vice President, Environment & Sustainability at Volvo CE. “We are hopeful that our film series will work as a contributing factor in the matter of making people aware and to enhance cross-sector collaboration throughout the construction industry value chain“.

The film is released, both on www.constructionclimatechallenge.com, YouTube and on CCC Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

The next episode of Construction Climate Talks will be released in August.

Further information is available by visiting www.constructionclimatechallenge.com.




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