Earn Your CEUs: 8 Ways to Earn Credits

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, we have gone back to being called Architectural Roofing & Waterproofing/WC Architect. This decision was to clarify what our brand is about and to better address the industries we serve.
I’m also excited to announce that Lindsay Lewis is now Editor of ARW/WC Architect! We wish her a big congratulations and we’re excited to see what our future together holds.
We have a number of great webinars on demand. Check out our latest webinars at www.arwarchitect.com to get all the credits you need:
Project Specific Considerations for the Roof Designer
The Building Envelope Solution
Acoustics in Wall and Ceiling Designs: The Critical Impact of Construction Details
Trends & Analysis of Single Ply Systems
Product Disclosure: Opportunities and Challenges for the Building Designer
Roofs and Condensation: A Practical Approach for the Design Professional
Continuous Insulation Requirements and Design for Water Vapor Diffusion Control
Roofing Codes: The Latest Requirements for Low-Slope Roofing Design
If you’re attending RCI’s 2015 Symposium on Building Envelope Technology November 8-10 in Nashville, be sure to look out for the ARW/WC Architect team! We will be in attendance to learn about all the great topics the symposium has to offer.
Members from our publication will also be attending the annual Greenbuild show in Washington, D.C. from November 18-20.
As always, thank you for all your continued support and readership. See you on the Hill!