Wagner Meters Offers Moisture Testing in Concrete Webinar
Wagner Meters is proud to offer the recently updated online course, “Moisture Testing of Concrete Floor Slabs.” This training webinar is especially designed for contractors and flooring installers, and is presented by Howard Kanare, a leading expert in concrete moisture issues.
“This updated, educational webinar is jam-packed with the latest scientific information about moisture testing,” said Jason Spangler, Division Manager—Flooring for Wagner Meters. “It provides critically important information to contractors for ensuring success with each flooring installation.”
Kanare, a former Senior Principal Scientist for the Portland Cement Association’s Laboratory (CTLGroup), has spent years researching concrete slab moisture and related floor covering failures. In the webinar, he shares breakthrough scientific data that seriously challenges what we have believed regarding traditional methods for moisture testing of concrete slabs.
Indeed, the information included in this free webinar is already changing the way we look at moisture testing of concrete slabs. This is essential information that every contractor and flooring installer who works with concrete will want to have at his or her fingertips.
In addition to providing the most up-to-date information on accurate moisture testing of concrete slabs, this one-hour webinar includes a live question-and-answer session. Each course participant can direct questions to a representative from Wagner Meters, the world leader in concrete moisture measurement.
The updated, online course is now being offered twice monthly. Early registration is encouraged and can be done online at: http://www.wagnermeters.com/webinar/.