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Pre-Applied Air/Water Barrier

USG Corporation and Tremco Commercial Sealants & Waterproofing

June 12, 2015
Gyp Panel

USG Corporation collaborating with Tremco Commercial Sealants & Waterproofing unveiled Securock ExoAir 430 System – a new advancement in air barrier installation to the construction industry. The integration of two already proven products – USG Securock Brand Glass-Mat Sheathing Panels and Tremco’s ExoAir membrane – will bring a system with built-in performance to the market.

“This first-of-its kind product was designed with our customers in mind, knowing that innovative ideas like this will improve and strengthen their businesses. In addition, our contractors will benefit from the expanded scope of work this product will give them,” said Chris Griffin, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, USG Corporation. “USG is committed to product innovation and we are pleased to be working with Tremco on this solution. We look forward to seeing the impact this new air barrier delivery method will make in the industry.”

In a controlled environment, the air/water barrier coating is applied to a glass-mat faced, moisture and mold-resistant gypsum sheathing panel. This process results in a uniform membrane with superior bond to the substrate. The system, comprised of the panel and detailing components, simplifies the installation process and eliminates many traditional application challenges like weather impact, material waste and performance variances, while improving jobsite scheduling concerns. Progressive Engineering Inc. and Underwriters Laboratory have accredited Securock ExoAir 430 System for code compliance and fire resistance performance.

“Both Tremco and USG have a long history of and commitment to manufacturing high quality products,” said Chuck Houk, President, Tremco Commercial Sealants & Waterproofing Division. “The combination of our membrane with gypsum panels from USG provides a more predictable outcome during the construction process. I believe our collaboration is setting the stage for new expectations in the industry and the resulting products will undoubtedly be drivers of industry change.”

Securock ExoAir 430 System will be introduced this month in the Southeast region of the United States, with subsequent regional expansion to follow.

To learn more about Securock ExoAir 430 System visit http://info.usg.com/securockexoair.html.