Building Professional

Building Professional of the Month: Elias Vavaroutsos

September 1, 2014
Building Professional

Elias Vavaroutsos, AIA, is the Design Principal with Goettsch Partners in Chicago.

Recently, BE sat down to talk to him about his career.


Building Envelope: How many years do you have in the profession?

Vavaroutsos: 20 years.

Building Envelope: What is your work history in this field?


  • Perkins & Will 1994-1999, Designer
  • OWPP (Cannon Design) 1999-2007, Design Leader
  • SOM 2007-2009, Studio Head (Design)
  • Goettsch Partners 2010-Present, Design Principal
  • College of DuPage 1999-Present, Adjunct Faculty

Building Envelope: Where did you go to school?


  • University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 1992 BSAS
  • University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 1994 MArch

Building Envelope: Did you have a specialization?

Vavaroutsos: I am a design leader responsible for the conception, evolution and execution of architectural projects. I am a generalist in terms of building types, with experience ranging from office buildings and retail, to healthcare, education and other institutional sectors.

Building Envelope: Do you approach architecture from an artistic or functional starting point? Are the two concepts exclusive?

Vavaroutsos: Both are essential and must be balanced, but I begin with ideas related to the intended experience of the place.

Building Envelope: What projects, other than your own work, do you find inspiring?

Vavaroutsos: Places that represent a fusion of architecture, landscape, materiality and place; for example, the Alhambra, Machu Picchu and Chaco Canyon. I also find inspiration in the writings of Borges and Pallasmaa, as well as the buildings of architects like Ferrater, Kahn, Scarpa, Aalto and Zumthor.

Building Envelope: How many buildings have you designed?

Vavaroutsos: Around 50.

Building Envelope: If you had to choose one to represent your work, what project would you choose?

Vavaroutsos: Very difficult to say, as most have both successes and missed opportunities. Perhaps the 700m tower among the un-built, Al Hilal and the Cancer Pavilion among the built.

Building Envelope: What are your guiding principles when designing a structure?

Vavaroutsos: I begin with the intent of understanding and concentrating the Genus Loci, or spirit of a place. I try to create meaningful places with a focus on the phenomenological and experiential qualities that people encounter.

Building Envelope: If you could have any building to redesign—anywhere in the world—which would you like to address?

Vavaroutsos: Probably something from earlier on in my own career.

Building Envelope: What types of products interest you?

Vavaroutsos: Elemental materials; stone and wood, ornamental metals.

Building Envelope: What types of products in the wall and ceiling industry really interest you?

Vavaroutsos: Sustainable materials of abstract beauty.