Sno Gem standing seam attachment system

Standing Seam Attachment System

July 17, 2014

Sno GemSno Gem standing seam attachment system

 Sno Gem Inc. recently introduced the PV Cube standing seam attachment system, a clamp-to-seam solar panel racking and mounting system that provides unparalleled strength, thanks to patent-pending WaveLocktechnology with three points of attachment. To assist installers with attachment to a variety of standing seam profiles, Sno Gem has designed the PV Cube, the PV Cube Wide, the PV Cube Mini and the PV Cube Zip. All are constructed of aircraft-grade aluminum extrusion and employ the patent-pending WaveLock technology. The easy-to-install PV Cube solar panel racking and mounting system attachment is made in the United States and requires no painting or mounting kits. It’s available in standard mill finish aluminum material, making it an easy item to keep in stock. For more information, visit www.snogem.com