Jim Whitton of Hunter Panels Named New PIMA Chairman
BETHESDA, Md. — The Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association (PIMA) announced today that Jim Whitton, vice president of sales and marketing at Hunter Panels LLC, will assume the chairmanship of the organization on Jan. 1, 2014. He succeeds Dr. Chris Griffin of Johns Manville Roofing Systems, who has served as the PIMA chairman for the past two years.
“Given his extensive roofing industry expertise, his deep understanding of the polyiso insulation industry, and his experience working with the association on numerous task groups and initiatives, Jim is the perfect choice to lead PIMA,” said Jared Blum, PIMA president. “We look forward to his leadership as code- and standard-setting bodies continue to embrace and reiterate the value of building thermal performance.”
Whitton, a 28-year veteran of the roofing industry, has worked at Hunter Panels since its founding. He graduated from DePaul University with degrees in both accounting and education. Prior to joining Hunter Panels, Whitton served as the regional tapered manager and marketing manager for NRG Barriers. He is also a current member of PIMA’s board of directors as well as the Roof Consultants Institute.
“This is an auspicious time to lead the polyiso industry,” said Whitton. “In the last few months, ASHRAE has published increased R-value requirements in the 90.1 standard, the International Code Council has clarified insulation requirements for reroofing projects, and PIMA has updated its QualityMark program in accordance with ASTM C1298-13. All these initiative further reflect the polyiso industry’s long-term commitment to cost effective, sustainable and energy-efficient construction.”
For more information, visit www.polyiso.org.