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Tremco Products Earn GREENGUARD’s IAQ Certification

June 26, 2012

BEACHWOOD, Ohio – Tremco Commercial Sealants & Waterproofing (CS&W) announced that more than 30 of its products, including silicones, air barriers, gaskets, glazing tapes and extrusions, have been rigorously tested by the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute and earned its indoor air quality (IAQ) certification to the stringent Children and Schools™ standard.

“Tremco CS&W is the first integrated building envelope solutions provider to achieve GREENGUARD certification for its products. More market sectors, regulatory bodies and specifiers are emphasizing the importance of IAQ, and this certification gives Tremco CS&W a distinct competitive advantage that directly benefits our customers,” said Chuck Houk, president of Tremco CS&W.

GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification is globally recognized as meeting or exceeding all IAQ standards and is significantly stricter than methods mandated in most building codes and systems. It gives assurance that products affecting indoor spaces meet rigorous volatile organic emissions (VOE) limits, which contribute to healthier interiors. Achieving GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification backs manufacturers’ sustainability claims with empirical scientific data from an unbiased, third-party organization. GREENGUARD is part of UL, an independent safety science company.

VOE are compounds that slowly off-gas from products after they have been manufactured or installed. This includes building materials behind the façade of structures, such as adhesives, sealants, air barriers, gaskets and tapes. VOE from such building materials can diffuse through substrates or flow through windows or HVAC systems and affect IAQ.VOE contribute to pollutants indoors and exceeding their chronic exposure limits can negatively impact human health.

VOE limitation is required for the Collaborative for High-Performance Schools protocol and LEED 2012 new emissions credit and is expected to be a compliance path over the next few years for the, Cal-Green Building Code, ASHRAE 189.1 and International Green Construction Code.

For more information, visit www.greenguard.org or www.tremcosealants.com.