
BNP Media to Audit and Report Web Metrics through BPA, Powered by Nielsen Online

June 29, 2009
BNP Media, publishers of Architectural Roofing & Waterproofing magazine, announced its participation in Web site traffic auditing offered by BPA Worldwide.

BNP Media, publishers of Architectural Roofing & Waterproofing magazine, announced its participation in Web site traffic auditing offered by BPA Worldwide.

“By submitting to an independent, third party audit of site traffic, BNP Media is showing a commitment to providing the online media buying community with standardized and reliable measurement of audience reach within the markets they serve,” said Glenn Hansen, BPA’s president and CEO.

A collaborative effort between BPA Worldwide and Nielsen Online, BNP Media Web site traffic is independently collected, filtered, measured, audited and reported. This entire process was developed in concert with the guidelines recommended by the Interactive Advertising Bureau released in February of this year. There were 41 project participants in the development of IAB’s Audience Reach Measurement Guidelines. Among the participants were AOL, Google Inc., Scarborough Research, MTV Networks, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, The Wall Street Journal Digital Network, CBS Interactive, CNN.com, Disney Interactive Media Group, Yahoo! Inc., and Microsoft Advertising.

“BNP Media is excited to be one of the first B-2-B media companies to report our web metrics through BPA powered by Nielsen Online,” said BNP Media’s co-CEO Tagg Henderson. “We recognize that leading media companies must provide timely, standardized, filtered Internet traffic reporting. We especially like that BPA and Nielsen are incorporating the strictest filtering in accordance with the IAB standards and guidelines. This gives our advertisers data they can trust.”

The Nielsen Online system and BPA tool, SiteCensus, provides a convenient, reliable system for media decision makers to analyze and interpret BPAWW-audited traffic data. After registering at www.bpaww.com/interactive, users will have the benefit of unlimited access to near real-time traffic data backed by credibility giants BPA Worldwide, Nielsen Online and IAB.



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