New coiling fire protective provides 3 hour listed fire and smoke protection with a small footprint that offers specifiers and fire planning professionals expanded flexibility.
Modern building codes and standards are the foundation of fire adapted communities, helping to reduce risk and increase community resilience from all hazards including wildfire.
The National Fire Protection Association launched a new Fire Prevention Program Manager Online Training Series to help the building industry understand and adopt the strategies defined in NFPA 241, Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations, which calls for a fire prevention program and a designated manager to enforce safety onsite.
GCP's MONOKOTE Fireproofing UL Design Selector determines the optimal UL designs for your specific construction project conditions with a click of a button.
From ClarkDietrich, BlazeFrame is an innovative steel framing firestop system. An intumescent strip affixed to steel profiles simultaneously frames and firestops seals both dynamic and static joints.
Prior to the June 2017 Grenfell Tower fire in the United Kingdom, relatively little focus was placed on the factors that contribute to vertical fire spread
More stringent building codes, advances in building science and building owners’ desire for more comfortable environments are driving increased interest in the role of continuous insulation